Dunstan Babytaal Nederland


Welcome to the website of Dunstan Baby Language Netherlands!

Read more about the origins of the method and how you too can learn Baby Language!

The Dunstan Baby Language Method

All young babies make five reflex sounds to indicate their needs. Learn to recognize Baby Language, respond to needs, and enjoy a happy baby!

Learn about a better sleep rhythm

To improve nutritional results

Build a bond faster

How to reassure your baby

Priscilla Dunstan

Australian Priscilla Dunstan could hear a piece of Mozart music once and play it back on her violin in its entirety at the age of five. It was discovered that she has a 'photographic memory' for sounds. When she became the mother of her son Tom, Priscilla discovered that there was a pattern between his cries and his needs.

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Learn Baby Language Too

  • During your pregnancy

  • After giving birth

  • As a partner

  • As a caregiver

  • Als professional
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