Dunstan Baby Language is also for fathers!
Preverbal speech therapist Annelies Schouten explains that Baby Language enables fathers to help care for their child from day one. Only when Neh, hunger, is needed, do they need their partner when breastfeeding.
Learn to recognize the sound of fatigue
Youth nurse Lillie Poppen often sees that parents do not recognize the signals for fatigue well. By recognizing the Ouch - for the sleep reflex - together with the visual signals, parents can put their child to bed on time. This prevents overtiredness, one of the most important causes of a lot of and prolonged crying.
Babies burp all day long
Maternity nurse Ank Selders talks about the Eh, the sound for a burp. Babies don't just burp shortly after feeding. They actually have to burp all day long. Especially shortly after feeding, if they have been lying down for a while.
Baby language also for premature babies
Pediatric nurse Marriëtte Bosman takes care of premature babies in her work. How nice when the parents, after a not so easy start, can learn to recognize the Baby Language sounds so that they know what to do when the baby starts to cry.
Dunstan Baby Language Netherlands is the official representative of Dunstan Baby Language™ in the Netherlands.
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